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The '60s and '70s

The company was founded in 1966 by a tailor who was already “thinking big“. In his name was his destiny: Maris (which comes from the sea and infinite space) Villani. Originally the company exclusively produced women’s clothing for small local and regional customers, operating within the classic “sewing and ironing” cycle. Soon the clientele would increase, along with the name FAMAR, which becomes increasingly more familiar in the '70s.

The artisanal approach turns into an industrial one. This occurs with the introduction of an entire range of products: evening dresses, men’s technical sports clothing, swimming costumes and high quality lingerie. Production becomes more varied yet close attention to quality and detail remains.

The '90s

With the introduction of CAD pattern-making systems, a specific department is created. A sewing department for proto sample creation is also opened. The production departments are revolutionised with the introduction of an American designed materials handling system called Mover. In the second half of the 90s the company moved to its current headquarters, doubling square footage and expanding its customer base.

Industrial automation processes are implemented both in the cutting department, with the purchase of two automatic spreaders, and with the integration of CAD processes in the pattern-making department. Information flows from the arrival of goods to the product bill of materials are integrated. Clientele expands to an international level on haute couture products.

The '60s and '70s

The company was founded in 1966 by a tailor who was already “thinking big“. In his name was his destiny: Maris (which comes from the sea and infinite space) Villani. Originally the company exclusively produced women’s clothing for small local and regional customers, operating within the classic “sewing and ironing” cycle. Soon the clientele would increase, along with the name FAMAR, which becomes increasingly more familiar in the '70s.

The '80s

The artisanal approach turns into an industrial one. This occurs with the introduction of an entire range of products: evening dresses, men’s technical sports clothing, swimming costumes and high quality lingerie. Production becomes more varied yet close attention to quality and detail remains.

The '90s

With the introduction of CAD pattern-making systems, a specific department is created. A sewing department for proto sample creation is also opened. The production departments are revolutionised with the introduction of an American designed materials handling system called Mover. In the second half of the 90s the company moved to its current headquarters, doubling square footage and expanding its customer base.

The 2000s

Industrial automation processes are implemented both in the cutting department, with the purchase of two automatic spreaders, and with the integration of CAD processes in the pattern-making department. Information flows from the arrival of goods to the product bill of materials are integrated. Clientele expands to an international level on haute couture products.


The company today

The second generation of FAMAR has made an innovative contribution to the company and has put it a step ahead. That step has turned FAMAR into an extremely high profile services company. The company today boasts a production facility of 6000 m2 in total, a fully automated cutting department and the latest technology as far as both fashion sector specific technology and I.T. technology are concerned. Our customers can count on a company structure which can offer them:
1) industrialisation of the product through the comprehensive management of a collection. From the sketch to the definition of the base size, from pattern grading to preparation of the size chart, from the bill of materials to industrialising the product. This is all done following a dynamic partnership style approach in solving any technical problems with designers;
2) comprehensive management of a collection from the purchase of raw materials to suppliers of accessory processes. FAMAR can sew and prepare the garments ready to be shipped to points of sale boxed and bagged.

""We inherited a Ferrari that was run like a Fiat 500. We simply had to succeed in elevating it to higher performances".
Marco Benini